Use cases
Disaster Recovery
Hybrid Cloud Storage
Application hosting
Media hosting
Data lakes & big data analytics
Software delivery
Static website
Globally unique name, Looks like a global service but is created in a region
No uppercase, No underscore
3-63 characters long
Not an IP
Must start with a lowercase letter or number
Must NOT start with the prefix xn--
Must NOT start with the suffix -s3alias
Key (Prefix + Object name)
There's no concept of the directory within buckets (the UI will trick you think)
Max object size is 5TB
If uploading more than 5GB, must use "multi-part upload"
Protect against unintended deletes
The same key overwrite will change the version
Enabled at the bucket level
Suspending versioning does not delete the previous version
Lifecycle Rules
Transition Action: move objects between storage classes
Expiration Action: expire (delete) object after some time
can be created for a certain prefix
can be created for certain objects Tags
Recommendations for Stand and Standard IA
NOT work for One Zone IA or Glacier
The report is updated daily
24-48 hours to start seeing data analysis
Requester Pays
The requester must be authenticated in AWS
Event Notifications
S3:ObjectCreated, S3:ObjectRemoved, S3:ObjectRestore, S3:Replication ...
Support filtering (*.jpg)
Typically deliver events in seconds but can sometimes take a minute or longer
Deliver to: SNS, SQS, Lambda Function, Event Bridge
S3 Automatically scales to high request rates, a latency of 100-200 ms
At least 3500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE or 5500 GET/HEAD requests per second per prefixes in a bucket
Multi-Part Upload (recommend for >100MB, Must use for >5GB)
S3 Transfer Acceleration
Increase transfer speed by transferring files to an AWS edge location
Compatible with multi-part upload
S3 Byte-Range Fetches
Parallelize GETs by requesting specific byte ranges
Better resilience in case of failures
S3 Select & Glacier Select
Retrieve fewer data using SQL by performing server-side filtering
Less network transfer, Less CPU cost on client-side
Batch Operations
Perform bulk operations on existing S3 objects with a single request
Example: Modify object metadata & properties, Copy objects between S3 buckets, Encrypt un-encrypted objects, Modify ACLs and tags, Restore objects from S3 Glacier, Invoke Lambda function to perform custom action on each object
A job consists of a list of objects, the action to perform, and optional parameters
S3 Batch Operations manages retries, tracks progress, sends completion notifications, generates reports
Can use S3 Inventory to get object list and use S3 Select to filter objects
Durability 99.999999999% (11 9's) of objects across multiple AZ for all storage classes (Loss object once every 10,000 years)
Storage Classes
Standard - General Purpose
Availability 99.99% (not available 53 minutes a year)
Sustain 2 concurrent facility failures
Standard-Infrequent Access (IA)
Lower cost than standard
99.9% Availability
Use cases: Backup, DR
One Zone-Infrequent Access
High durability (99.999999999%) in a single AZ (but data lost when AZ is destroyed)
99.5% Availability
Use cases: storing secondary backup copies if on-premise data
Glacier Instant Retrieval
Millisecond retrieval, accessed once a quarter
Minimum storage duration of 90 days
Glacier Flexible Retrieval (formerly S3 Glacier)
Expedited (1-5 minutes), Standard (3-5 hours), Bulk (5-12 hours) - free
Minimum storage duration of 90 days
Glacier Deep Archive (For long-term storage)
Standard (12 hours), Bulk (48 hours)
Minimum storage duration of 180 days
Intelligent Tiering
Small monthly monitoring and auto-tiering fee
Moves objects automatically between Access Tiers based on usage
There are no retrieval charges in S3 Intelligent-Tiering
Frequent Access tier (automatic): default
Infrequent Access tier (automatic): not accessed for 30 days
Archive Instant Access tier (automatic): not accessed for 90 days
Archive Access Access tier (optional): config from 90-700+ days
Deep Archive Access tier (optional): config from 180-700+ days
IAM Policies - Allow for a specific user from IAM
Bucket Policies - Bucket-wide rules from the s3 console (allow cross-account)
Object ACL - finer grain (can be disabled)
Bucket ACL - less common (can be disabled)
IAM can access an s3 object if (The user IAM permissions allow it OR the resource policy allows it) AND there's no explicit deny
MFA Delete
Require MFA when Permanently delete or Suspend versioning
Versioning must be enabled
Only the bucket owner can enable/disable MFA Delete
Can't use in AWS Console (only working on AWS CLI, SDK, or REST API)
S3 Access Logs
Audit any access to s3 buckets
Logged into another S3 bucket (Must be in the same AWS region)
If logged in the same bucket, It will create a logging loop
Analyzed using data analysis tools
S3 Pre-signed URLs
URL Expiration
S3 Console - 1 min up to 720 mins (12 hours)
AWS CLI - default 3600 secs, max 604800 secs (168 hours)
S3 Access Points
Simplify security management for S3 buckets
Use access point policy to allow access to the S3 bucket by prefix
Each access point has its own DNS (Internet or VPC) name and policy
VPC Origin
Access within the VPC only
Must create a VPC Endpoint (must allow access to target bucket and Access Point)
S3 Object Lambda (Access Point)
Use AWS Lambda Functions to change the object before it is retrieved by the caller application
Support with S3 Access Point
S3 Object Lock
Adopt a WORM model (Write Once Read Many)
Block an object version deletion for a specified amount of time
Must enable versioning
Retention mode
Compliance - Block all user
Governance - Allow some user
Retention Period - Protect the object for a fixed period, Can be extended
Legal Hold
Protect the objects indefinitely, independent from the Retention period
Freely placed and removed using the s3:PutObjectLegalHold
IAM permission
S3 Glacier Vault Lock
Adopt a WORM model (Write Once Read Many)
Vault Lock Policy (Can lock the policy for future edits)
Helpful for compliance and data retention
Object Encryption
Server-Side Encryption (SSE)
with Amazon S3-Managed Keys (SSE-S3) - Enabled by default
Must set header ``"x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256"`
with KMS Keys stored in AWS KMS (SSE-KMS)
User control and audit key usage using CloudTrail
Must set header "x-amz-server-side-encryption": "aws:kms"
Upload calls the GenerateDataKey KMS API
Download calls the Decrypt KMS API
Count towards the KMS quota per second (5500, 10000, 30000 req/s based on region)
Can request to increase quota using Service Quotas Console
with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C)
HTTPS must be used
The encryption key must be provided in HTTP headers for every request made
Can force encryption using a bucket policy and refuse any API call without encryption headers
Bucket Policies are evaluated before "Default Encryption"
Client-Side Encryption
Use client libraries such as Amazon S3 Client-Side Encryption Library
Encrypt before sending to S3, and decrypt data themselves
Encryption in transit (SSL/TLS) S3 exposes two endpoints
HTTP Endpoint - non-encryption
HTTPS Endpoint - encryption in flight
Can force encryption in transit with aws:SecureTransport
in IAM Policy condition
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
Define in JSON format
Origin = Scheme (protocol) + Host (domain) + Port
Must enable versioning
Cross-Region Replication (CRR) - Compliance, Lower latency access
Same-Region Replication (SRR) - Log aggregation, Live replication between production and test accounts
The buckets can be in different AWS accounts
Must give proper IAM permission to S3
Only new objects are replicated when enabling replication
Use S3 Batch Replication for existing objects
For DELETE operations will replicate delete markers (need to enable)
Delete with version ID are not replicated (avoid malicious deletes)
There is no "chaining" of replication
AWS Snow Family
Highly secure, portable device to collect and process data at the edge, and migrate data into and out of AWS
If data migration takes more than a week, Use Snowball devices
Request Snowball devices from the AWS console for delivery
Install the snowball client / AWS OpsHub on your server
Connect the snowball to your servers and copy files using the client
Ship back
Data will be loaded into an S3 bucket
Snowball is completely wiped
Can't import directly into Glacier
Light and small (4.5 pounds, 2.1 kg)
Can send it back to AWS offline, or connect it to the internet and use AWS DataSync to send data
Edge computing
Snowcone & Snowcone SSD, 2 CPUs, 4 GB
Snowball Edge
Pay per data transfer job
Provide block storage and S3-compatible object storage
Snowball Edge Storage Optimized
Snowball Edge Compute Optimized
42 TB of HDD or 28 TB NVMe capacity
Edge computing
Compute Optimized
104 vCPU, 416 GiB of RAM, optional GPU
Storage Optimized
40 vCPU, 80 GiB of RAM
Object storage clustering is available
All can run EC2 Instances & AWS Lambda functions (using AWS IoT Greengrass)
Long-term deployment options 1 and 3 years discounted pricing
Transfer exabytes of data by truck
Each Snowmobile has 100PB of capacity (Use multiple in parallel)
High-security temperature controlled, GPS, 24/7 video surveillance
AWS OpsHub
Historically, To use Snow Family devices, You needed a CLI, Today you can use AWS OpsHub
Unlocking and configuring instances running on Snow Family Devices
Launching and managing instances running on Snow Family Devices
Monitor device metrics (storage capacity on Snow Family Devices)
Launch compatible AWS services on your devices (EC2 instances, AWS DataSync, NFS)
AWS DataSync
Move large amounts of data between on-premises, other clouds, or AWS
Can synchronize to S3, EFS, or FSx
Replication tasks can be scheduled hourly, daily, weekly
File permissions and metadata are preserved (NFS POSIX, SMB)
One agent task can use 10 Gbps, Can setup a bandwidth limit
AWS Transfer Family
File transfers service for S3 or EFS using FTP protocol (FTP, FTPS, SFTP)
Managed infrastructure, Scalable, Reliable, Highly Available (Multi-AZ)
Pay per provisioned endpoint per hour + data transfers in GB
Store and manage users' credentials within the service
Integrate with existing authentication systems (Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP, Okta, Amazon Cognito)
Usage: Sharing files, Public datasets, CRM, ERP
Elastic Block Store is a network drive
Can mount only one instance at a time
Bound to a specific AZ
gp2 / gp3 (SSD): general purpose, 1GiB - 16 TiB
io1 / io2 (SSD): highest-performance, 4GiB - 16 TiB
Support multi-attach in the same AZ up to 16 instances at a time
st1 (HDD): low cost, 125GiB - 16 TiB
sc1 (HDD): lowest cost, 125GiB - 16 TiB
Only gp2/gp3 and io1/io2 can be used as boot volumes
Data at rest is encrypted inside the volume
All the data in flight moves between the instance and the volume is encrypted
All snapshots are encrypted
Encryption has a minimal impact on latency
EBS encryption leverages keys from KMS (AES-256)
Make a backup at a point in time
Not necessary to detach the volume to do a snapshot, but recommended
Can copy snapshots across AZ or Region
Snapshot Archive
Move a snapshot to an "archive tier" that is 75% cheaper
24 to 72 hours for restoring the archive
Recycle Bin
Setup rules to retain deleted snapshots so you can recover them after an accidental deletion
Specific retention (from 1 day to 1 year)
Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR)
Force full initialization of snapshot to have no latency on the first use ($$$)
Instance Store
High-performance hardware disk
Better I/O performance
Ephemeral, Lose when stopping the instance
Good for the buffer, cache, scratch data / temporary content
Backup and Replication are your responsibility
Managed NFS that can mount on many EC2
Work with EC2 instances in multi-AZ
Highly available, scalable, expensive (3x gp2), pay per use
Use NFSv4.1 protocol
Use a security group to control access
Compatible with Linux-based AMI
Performance Mode
General Purpose (default)
Max I/O: higher latency, throughput, highly parallel
Throughput Mode
Bursting: 1 TB = 50 MiB/s + burst of up to 100 MiB/s
Provisioned: set your throughput regardless of storage size
Elastic: automatically scales throughput up or down based on your workload
Up to 3 GiB/s for reads and 1 GiB/s for writes
Storage Tiers
Standard: frequently accessed files
Infrequent access (IA): cost to retrieve files, lower price to store
Availability and durability
Standard: Multi-AZ
One zone: One AZ, Backup enabled by default, compatible with IA, 90% cost saving
Lifecycle Policy: move files between storage tier
File system policy: Control the access permission in EFS
Fully managed service 3rd party high-performance file systems on AWS
FSx for Lustre
Parallel distributed file system for large-scale computing
the name Lustre is derived from Linux and cluster
Use cases: ML, High-Performance Computing (HPC), Video processing, Financial Modeling, Electronic Design Automation
Scales up to 100s GB/s, millions of IOPS, sub-ms latencies
Storage options: HDD and SSD
Seamless integration with S3 (read/write S3 as file system)
Can be accessed from on-premises infrastructure (VPN or Direct Connect)
FSx for Windows File Server
Windows file system share drive
Supports SMB protocol & Windows NTFS
Microsoft Active Directory integration, ACLs, user quotas
Supports Microsoft's Distributed File System (DFS) Namespaces (group files across multiple FS)
Scale up to 10s of GB/s, millions of IOPS, 100s PB of data
Storage options: HDD and SSD
Can be mounted on Linux EC2 instances
Can be accessed from on-premises infrastructure (VPN or Direct Connect)
Can be configured to be Multi-AZ (HA)
Data is backup to S3
FSx for NetApp ONTAP
File System compatible with NFS, SMB, iSCSI protocol
Move workloads running on ONTAP or NAS to AWS
Works with Linux, Windows, MacOS, VMWare Cloud on AWS, Amazon Workspaces & AppStream 2.0, EC2, ECS, and EKS
Storage shrinks or grows automatically
Snapshots, replication, low-cost, compression and data de-duplication
Point-in-time instantaneous cloning (helpful for testing new workloads)
FSx for OpenZFS
File system compatible with NFS (v3, v4, v4.1, v4.2)
Move workloads running on ZFS to AWS
Works with Linux, Windows, MacOS, VMWare Cloud on AWS, Amazon Workspaces & AppStream 2.0, EC2, ECS, and EKS
Up to 1,000,000 IOPS with < 0.5ms latency
Snapshots, compression, and low-cost
Point-in-time instantaneous cloning (helpful for testing new workloads)
Deployment Options
Scratch File System
Temporary storage
Data is not replicated (doesn't persist if file server fails)
High burst (6x faster, 200 MB/s per TiB)
Usage: Short-term processing, optimizing costs
Persistent File System
Long-term storage
Data is replicated within the same AZ
Replace failed files within minutes
Usage: long-term processing, sensitive data
Storage Gateway
Hybrid Cloud for Storage
Types of Storage Gateway
S3 File Gateway
FSx File Gateway
Volume Gateway
Tape Gateway
Use cases
Disaster recovery
Backup & Recovery
Tiered storage
On-premises cache & low-latency files access
Using Storage Gateway
On-premises virtualization (ESXi, Hyper-V, KVM, or EC2)
Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance (buy at amazon.com )
Works with File Gateway, Volume Gateway, and Tape Gateway
Has the required CPU, Memory, Network, and SSD cache resources
Helpful for daily NFS backups in small data centers
Stands for Relational Database Service and It managed by AWS
Supports Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, MSSQL, Aurora (AWS Proprietary)
Automated provisioning, OS patching
Continuous backups and restore to specific timestamps (PTO)
Monitoring dashboard
Read replicas for improved read performance
Up to 15 Read replicas
Within AZ, Cross AZ, or Cross Region
Replication is Async, So reads are eventually consistent
Can be promoted
Multi-AZ setup for DR (disaster Recovery), Sync replication, One DNS name, and automatic app failover to standby
Maintenance windows for upgrades
Scaling capability (vertical and horizontal)
Automated backup
Daily full backup during the backup window
Transaction logs backup every 5 minutes
1 - 35 days of retention (set to 0 to disable)
Manual snapshot
Retention as long as you want
Storage backed by EBS (gp2 or io1)
Network cost: Normally network costs when data goes from one AZ to another, but RDS read replicas within the same region are FREE!
Can't SSH into the instance
RDS Custom: Managed Oracle and MSSQL can access the underlying database and OS
from snapshot
from S3 backup by Percona XtraBackup
Clone from existing one
Use copy-on-write protocol
Initial the new DB uses the same data volume (no copying is needed)
When updates are made to the new DB then additional storage is allocated and data is copied to be separated
fast & cost-effective
Useful for creating staging DB from production without impact on production DB
At-rest Encryption by KMS
In-flight encryption is enabled by default use with the AWS TLS root certificates client-side
If the master is not encrypted, the replicas can't be encrypted
To encrypt an un-encrypted DB, snapshot and restore as encrypted
Audit logs can be enabled
Pool and share FB connections established with the database
Improving database efficiency by reducing the stress on database resources and minimizing open connections (and timeouts)
Serverless, Autoscaling, HA (multi AZ)
Reduced RDS & Aurora failover time by up to 66%
No code changes are required for most apps
Enforce IAM Authentication for DB and securely store credentials in AWS Secrets Manager
RDS Proxy is never publicly accessible (must be accessed from VPC)
A proprietary database from AWS supports Postgres and MySQL
Aurora is "AWS cloud-optimized" and claims 5x performance improvement over MySQL on RDS, over 3x the performance of Postgres on RDS
Storage automatically grows in increments of 10GB up to 128 TB
One Aurora Instance tasks write (master)
Up to 15 replicas and the replication process is faster than MySQL (sub 10ms replica lag)
Failover in Aurora is instantaneous (less than 30 seconds), native HA
6 copies of your data across 3 AZ
4 copies out of 6 needed for writes
3 copies out of 6 need for reads
Self-healing with P2P replication
Storage is striped across 100s of volumes
Support Cross Region Replication
Cost more than RDS around 20%
Aurora Multi-Master: Immediate failover for write node (HA)
Automated database instantiation and auto-scaling
No capacity planning needed
Pay per second can be more cost-effective
Global Aurora
Aurora Cross Region Replicas
Useful for DR
Simple to put in place
Aurora Global Database (recommended)
1 primary region
Up to secondary (RO) regions, replication lag is less than 1 second
Up to 16 Read replicas per secondary region
Help for decreasing latency
Promoting another region (DR) has an RTO of less than 1 minute
Typical cross-region replication takes less than 1 second
Aurora Machine Learning
Enable to add ML-based predictions to your applications via SQL
Integration with AWS ML services (AWS SageMaker, AWS Comprehend
Not require ML experience
Use cases: fraud detection, ads targeting, sentiment analysis, product recommendations
Automated backup
1 - 35 days of retention (can't disable)
point-in-time in that timeframe
Manual snapshot
Retention as long as you want
Custom Endpoint
Define a subnet of Aurora Instances as a Custom Endpoint
The default reader endpoint is not used after defining Custom Endpoints
In-memory database managed by AWS supports Redis and Memcached
IAM policies on ElastiCache are only used for AWS API-level security
Multi-AZ with Auto-Failover
Read Replicas to scale reads and have HA
Data Durability using AOF persistence
Backup and restore features
Support Sets and Sorted Sets
Support IAM Authentication
Can set a "password/token" with Redis Auth
Support SSL in-flight encryption
Multi-node for partitioning of data (sharding)
No HA (replication)
No persistent
No backup and restore
Multi-threaded architecture
Support SASL-based authentication (advanced)